Wednesday, May 6, 2020

The Act of Paul and Thecla Samples for Students †

Question: Discuss about the Act of Paul and Thecla. Answer: The act of Paul and Thecla would Paul agree? The act Thecla and Paul demonstrates womens view point as a strong figure that values faith before anything else. Paul explains the act of virtues celibacy of women stand point both as teachers and apostles and not just wives the acts explains women as an example for showing and educating other people on the word of God and their ableness to tell story. The teaching has been used as an example by women as leaders in the church. My view and believe on Pauls teaching about women leadership and religious setting is correct. Thecla and Paul wrote the acts year after the letters of Paul .all the same show clear differences in women as the status of women remained as house-servants .They were treated in two perceptions if they were not married as either virgins or widows. A true Widow was known to be an aged woman whose husband died. The church only gave assistance to those women who were widows if they were above 60 years of age reason being they would not get married again. In Roman tradition required ladies to get married and have children. The society saw women not independent in any manner. Whether sexually or legally. In this Acts of Paul and Thecla the main person was Thecla. She was a powerful woman in the world of Christianity, she was authoritative and strong figure reason being that she remained single and had no husband or bore children. Thecla was converted into Christian faith be the apostle Paul. Very strong women live Thecla were supported by Pauls teachings and religious environment of that time. I was interested and also inspired by learning more about her reasoning and regarding this matter. In the book of Acts of Paul and Thecla 17, it is stated that this story of Thecla listening to Pauls sermons while sitting by her widow. Thecla listened keenly to Pauls proclamation; she did not get tired to listen every day and even overnight regarding the issue of virginity as taught by Paul. It is important to note that she was not taken away from the widow, but rather was let on by faith and she rejoiced exceedingly in the course of this, it is ascertained that she saw observed virgins and other women borrowing. It is also important to note that this woman was indeed very interested to not only have the desire of being deemed of great value to Paul but also ensure that she heard the word of God. The dedication and determination of Theclas regarding the word of Paul indicates the commitment that she had on Pauls worthy beliefs. In a spiritual sense she chose to remain a virgin and turn down all her likely success so as to marry God. She saved her virginity for him. In this testimo ny, Paul is encouraging and supporting the independence of woman and furthering faith and devotion as virtues that are inter-dependant. A professor found an image in the cave of Paul and Thecla at the place called Pauls Croton. The study of the New Testament depicts an image of Paul preaching and being followed by Thecla follows who listens to his testimonials from the windows in a far left corner of the house. Theclas mother is seen behind him (Paul) while preaching to her daughter while her hand is thrown in a gesture of great disagreement. Most important, it was ascertained that Theclas mother has her right hand as well as eyes cut off and scratched out respectively because she was considered a heretia. This brings into four individual beliefs that Theclas mother may have disliked the view of religion itself and its effects on the society. The image is a pro-found sign of the influence that Paul had on Theclas mannerism as well as her own values as aligned or matching with those of the beliefs as well as teachings of Paul. When Paul as an preaches multiple or numerous times in the scripture, this does not mis-interpret the acts of Paul and Thecla. Individuals bowed and prayed to him (Paul). Paulwent into the house onesiporus and preached about virginity, obeying God and purity. In his testimonies states, Paul was speaking about a pure heart that will open a vision of God. It is understood Paul was speaking and confirming that the only best way for people to come in contact God was through remaining pure in their hearts. It is also important for people to ensure that they remain pure and clean and keep their virginity sacred in their wedlocks. This what actually Thecla interpreted from his teaching. To remain clean, pure, and holy for God is essential as well as focussing on lives that revolve or dwell on Gods word and Pauls word. Thecla believed in keeping the flesh chaste Thecla remained devoted herself to God and also remained Gods temple. While speaking about blessings Paul noted that those who remained aloof from the world had an upper hand and thats where she belonged separating herself from the world and to focus only on God. While aligning her values with his word focussing on her faith she followed Paul. In conclusion I agree that Pauls word, beliefs testimonies are in agreement with Theclas action and intention all over the story. Thecla is shown as a woman whose priorities come last as Gods. Priorities put first in this act of Paul. In all this Paul was in agreement. Paul was a strongsupporter in woman holding position of leadership within the church reason being when God is put first the matter of sex is immaterial Theclas action are aligned with Pauls words, even through other people may disagree it was Pauls teaching and word that kept her faith in a very strong sense. During the ancient times wives played powerful roles in church. They taught a word of God and also prophesised. Some women were rich and supported Gods servants. They allowed multitude in their homes giving them basic needs during their meeting. Paul worked in company with some women especially in field services. People should not doubt why early Christian leaders were both men and women. Lately the history of women and their position of authority and high status in church has faced serious opposition, this challenge has reduced their good record and past performance of their church involvement. Paul mentions one deacon called Phoebe prominently. She was a minister in the church of Cenchrea. Phoebe was also Pauls patron whom Paul entrusted with a task of carrying important Pauls letter to Rom (vv. 1-2), another important personality is Prisca assisted by her husband Aquila, the two were able to create and support large congregation in her home.(vv. 3-4). In all these activities she was named ahead of her husband. Another important woman is Mary; Pauls co-worker among the Romans (v, 6) Paul also worked with other important women as; Tryphaena, Tryphosa and Persis for the gospel (vv 6, 12) High profile women in this community included; Julia the mother of Rufus and sister of Nereus (vv 13,15) secondly, we have other frontline women among the apostles like Junia (v. 7) The apostolic mission was not only limited to the 12 men but was more inclusive in church based in Corinth. Women were mentioned to be members of the body full of spiritual gifts and the rights of using them. This fact is proven by their active participation in various services such as in worshiping, praying, and prophesying alongside men (1 Cor 11: 4-6) Two other important women (Euodia and Synyche) were notable in Philipians because of their prominent standing in the community (Phil 4:2) Lydia is outstanding woman whose entire household came in the frontline of her family. She eventually became the head of the church which gathered in her house. On marriage some of the women who were associated with Paul came to renounce the issue of marriage for the sake of gospel and went on to become prominent women in the community.

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