Sunday, May 17, 2020

Philosophers and Scientist of Modern Psychology - 1454 Words

RUNNING HEAD: Philosophers and Scientist of Modern Psychology Philosophers and Scientist of Modern Psychology History of Psychology While the philosophical distinction between mind and body can be traced back to the Greeks, it is due to the works of one great Philosopher that till this very day this is still in existence. Rene Descartes was the first to ever talk about the interactions of the mind and body, which later on in psychological history caught the attention of others who came after him such as James and Wundt. Descartes stated that not only body can influence mind, but that mind could also affect body. Descartes was a famous mathematician born in France. He was known as the father of modern philosophy for his works in†¦show more content†¦Even in this current time it is still debated mind and body interaction for example is it possible for the to act on it s own or the body to act on it s own. Descartes believed that bodily functions occur when the mind and the body interacts with each other such as lifting a leg and jumping up and down. I never put much thought into this but it all makes sens e to me. If I have an itch, it is the mind that tells the hands to scratch. I really believe Descartes findings to be somewhat true but not all true. I think if a person is in a coma, and the get out of it, it is the mind that works first and then the body after. Descartes also said that animals did not have brains. This is the reason I said somewhat agreed with his theory. This side of Descartes theory I believe to be untrue. Many animals were dissected alive because of this belief and it took years for this to come to an end. Based on my prior psychological knowledge, I think that it is almost like a domino effect. The work of one philosopher led to the work of others, which in turn makes this to be a never-ending process. 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